Zika virus is primarily spread by the bites of Aedes species mosquito that is infected with the virus. Infection from the virus can cause Guillain-Barre Syndrome, a nervous system illness, as well as birth defects in pregnant women. Our Pest control service can prevent spread of the Zika virus by exterminating and preventing mosquitoes near your house. Our technicians have the experience and knowledge necessary to help control mosquitos near your house and help prevent the spread of Zika virus to you and your loved ones.
Zika is dangerous because it can cause a birth defect of the brain called microcephaly, as well as other severe birth defects. A person bitten by a Zika infected mosquito can also spread the virus via sex. It is important to use a service with the experience and knowledge to control mosquito populations to prevent Zika virus infections. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment!